Freelance project manager – legal document archive transfer to Drupal 2

Following a pervious I project managed the migration/re-creation of a substantial archive of legal document pdf’s, specifically 800+ General Synod papers, agendas voting results and similar from 2011-2018. I created the General Synod Agendas and Papers section of the award winning Church of England website. As a second project I later moved an additional 600+ documents across.

The project involved downloading documents from within the defunct proprietary CMS and creating a new archive on a Drupal website, tracking all of the documents and linking them into their new pages.

In addition to the pdf archive, I also created 18 pages new pages and a meta-tag schema, added sound-cloud files and created a menu structure to make the pages as informative and user friendly as possible.

I liaised with two groups of stakeholders, helping to find compromises and technical solutions to meet their differing requirements. I also managed a freelance data entry specialist to complete the project in good time.

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