Campaign Infrastructure for National Political Organisation

Gingerling Design prepared the phone banking infrastructure for Momentum for use in the Labour party leadership election, by integrating NationBuilder with CallHub. We configured the telephone canvasing infrastructure for the Rebecca For Leader campaign on behalf of Momentum. Finally, we created an 50 page manual documenting the use and functions of the integration.

The Story Behind the New NECN Logo

Last year I designed a new Logo for National Estate Churches Network. The logo is designed to break the narrative of estates being miserable places: it acknowledges the good bits of life on an estate, but still shows there is work to do.

Bespoke Icon Set for Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Kingdom Come required a set of icons to differentiate the three event types: Prayer Event, Beacon Event and Cathedral Beacon Event. The icons needed to be visually simple and also both culturally and denominationally neutral; TKC is an ecumenical project. They also needed to fit in with the existing theme and branding.The new Thy Kingdom Come (TKC) website is now live and uses a bespoke icon set made by Gingerling Design.

Is your site secure? Why your site needs an TLS/SSL certificate

Have you noticed more warnings recently about “Insecure” websites while browsing the web? That’s because all the major internet browsers have started flagging up sites without a TLS (formerly SSL) certificate. If you run a website, even as small one, the time has come to upgrade to TLS. Otherwise, most people visiting your site will be warned that it is insure.

Logo and website for Saint Marks Church

A new logo for Saint Marks Church, Stockland Green. The logo is based on their new stained glass window. We also built them a new website, shared with their sister church.

Freelance project manager – legal document archive transfer to Drupal 2

I project managed the migration/re-creation of a substantial archive of legal document pdf’s, specifically 800+ General Synod papers, agendas voting results and similar from 2011-2018. In addition to the pdf archive, I also created 18 pages new pages and a meta-tag schema, added sound-cloud files and created a menu structure to make the pages as informative and user friendly as possible.